Going from un-pregnant to infertile to fertility treatment and beyond are major life changes and some people struggle more than others to adapt to this unpredictable journey.
At Bourn Hall we offer fertility support at every stage so you can find something that works for you.
Support for the fertility journey
We have a number of events each year which are designed to help people who suspect they might have a problem conceiving. Perhaps you have been trying for a while without success, had an earlier diagnosis for something that might impact your fertility, or maybe you don’t feel ready just yet for children but are worried about the impact of delaying.
Free Consultation
Bourn Hall is offering a free consultation with a Fertility Nurse Specialist to talk about your concerns and medical history and help put you on the right path. Good advice can often help to boost natural fertility or to identify causes of concern – it may be that some straight forward fertility tests are required or simple assisted conception treatments can be tried before considering if IVF is appropriate.
Fertility Support Group
This is a group meeting for patients starting or in treatment and going through the same experiences. The informal meeting gives you a chance to talk openly about how you are feeling to someone who will understand. There is often a presentation by a health professional and an opportunity to ask questions and gain support from fertility counsellors. You don’t have to be a Bourn Hall patient to join the group.
Read more about the Fertility Support Group.
See details of the next meeting.
Coping with Fertility Treatment – Support Counselling
The HFEA (Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority) considers fertility counselling to be a key element in the provision of fertility services for all patients and the HFEA Act 1990 requires counselling to be offered to both partners before treatment starts.
Fertility treatment is a significant emotional journey and may impact your relationships with others. So as part of our on-going patient care, counselling with an independent fertility counsellor is offered to all patients at any time before, during or after treatment.
The emotions can be conflicting and intense and counselling is an opportunity to explore your feelings, develop coping strategies, and discuss options and relationship issues with partners, family, friends or colleagues. It can help you to adjust, and to look at both the short- and long-term consequences of infertility and treatment. You might find that you need support at different stages of treatment. You can access support counselling at any time before, during, or after treatment. Bourn Hall offers three free counselling sessions at times to suit you.
Read more about the counselling offered by Bourn Hall.
Implications Counselling
Implications counselling provides an emotionally safe place in which to reflect on and understand the proposed procedure, the variety of issues that may affect you, and the lasting implications for you and those close to you, both now and in the future. It takes into account the welfare and needs of the future child. It’s an opportunity to anticipate and plan for this conception and family formation.
This type of counselling is particularly helpful if you are using donated sperm, eggs or embryos in donor-assisted conception, or sharing your own eggs or sperm, or have frozen embryos in storage. Implications counselling is routinely offered before treatment, to give you time to decide how to proceed.
Moving on
There are many ways to create a family in addition to fertility treatment. You might decide to try adoption or to fill your life with friends and rewarding activities. Whatever you decide we will support you with your decision and signpost you to other services where required.