Help someone create a family by donating your sperm
Make a difference and change someone’s life by becoming a sperm donor with Bourn Hall.
Why donate?
There are many reasons why people decide to become a sperm donor, but one thing our donors all share is the desire to help others achieve their dream of a family.
Becoming a sperm donor is one of the most generous gifts you can give, and you will receive compensation of up to £35 per visit to the clinic, up to a maximum of £750.
Becoming a sperm donor
If you meet the following criteria, you can donate or share your sperm:
- Aged from 18 years until reaching your 46th birthday.
- In good health, with no family history of hereditary illnesses or diseases.
- A non-smoker.
Becoming a sperm sharer
If you and your partner are thinking of undergoing IVF treatment, you can reduce the overall cost by taking part in our sperm-sharing programme, and receive a free standard IVF package.
To find out more, book a free Discovery call with a member of our donor team at a time to suit you. If you’re ready, take the first step and begin your application now.
Still looking for more information?
You may want to visit the HFEA’s information for past applicants for some frequently asked questions around donors and donations. Alternatively, if you were donor conceived and would like to find out more, this HFEA information on preparing to access identifying information about your donor may help you.