Sammy-Jo Pipe used Instagram to record her fertility journey and has kindly agreed to share it in a series of posts during Fertility Week 2018. This is the third instalment.
Hover over/click the images to read Sammy-Jo’s comments.
30 June 2017
Barely slept last night and have so many questions flying round in my head. I’ve done a bit of research and quite honestly from other people’s experiences I can’t quite understand what went wrong yesterday. Why did our beautiful embryo not survive? There was no reason for it not to! Why did they put me through all this the last six weeks knowing this might happen. I feel like something went terribly wrong. Would they tell me if that were the case and how on earth do I go about finding out? Why did this have to happen to us?
30 August 2017
Waiting for AF to show. Should be any day now and then I can start birth control and get round two on the road. Feeling very positive about this round. Hopefully start stimming mid October time. Really hoping this will be our time #ivf #ivftaketwo #ttc #ttccommunity #pcos #infertilty