Guest Blog from Love Nutrition – “nutritional therapy can empower you.”
12 Oct 2018
Angela Attwood from Love Nutrition explains the benefits of nutritional therapy ahead of the first Fertility Fayre to be held at our Wickford Clinic on 27 October.
My first encounter with Nutritional Therapy was as a patient, in my case it was to better equip myself to deal with cancer therapy and to ensure I gave myself the best chance of recovery.
My own experience was so positive that I later went on to study Nutritional Therapy and have always been reassured and inspired by the fact that it is based on scientific evidence that is continually advancing and evolving.
What is nutritional therapy?

Nutritional therapy is relevant to anyone looking to enhance their health and wellbeing and has a significant contribution to make alongside conventional medicine for those with persistent health issues.
The aim of nutritional therapy is to identify potential nutritional imbalances and lifestyle factors and understand how these may contribute to health concerns or symptoms.
Whether you simply want to check that you are on the right track with regard to healthy eating for fertility or if you have a more specific need to lose weight or address an underlying health issue, I will help you to understand the nutritional and lifestyle factors which may support your reproductive process. This includes not only improving egg and sperm quality but also advising and working with you on all areas of your diet and lifestyle that maybe impacting your fertility.
The earlier you seek professional nutritional advice the better as nutrients play a vitally important role in fertility and pregnancy, helping to nourish eggs and sperm and preparing your body to receive a fertilised embryo and then to progress to a healthy pregnancy.
Personalised treatment
As a Nutritional Therapist I consider you to be unique and therefore recommend a personalised nutrition and lifestyle programme that is right for you rather than a ‘one size fits all’ approach.
Having nutrition and lifestyle advice that is right for you can help you feel empowered as you are positively contributing to your fertility.
There are a number of nutrients with unequivocal evidence behind them for egg and sperm health, which I can advise you on the best way to incorporate into your diet via food or supplements; helping you to understand how the systems in your body are all interlinked and can have a significant impact on your fertility.
Coping with stress
One of the most common areas to impact on fertility is stress.
We are all familiar with how our lifestyle and emotions can impact on our stress levels, and no doubt have read many advice columns on how to try and reduce the stress in our lives. One area where I find people are less aware of is how our environment, what we eat and drink and even the type of exercise we do can all affect our stress levels and ultimately our hormonal health.
You may accept difficulty getting up in the morning, not feeling refreshed after a night’s sleep, feeling low, gaining weight around your middle, not being able to concentrate or focus, digestive issues, period problems, a coffee or sugar habit, muscle and joint aches and pains or a myriad of other little quirks in your health as being part of life.
To me, as a nutritional therapist, they are part of a picture that builds a unique profile of you and helps me to understand how your health maybe impacting on what you want from life, including your fertility health.
The Bourn Hall package
The package available to Bourn Hall patients includes:
- initial consultation of 60-90 minutes when we will explore your health and fertility concerns as well as your medical and family history, medication and supplement use, diet and lifestyle
- Evaluate your individual needs to develop a personalised, safe and effective nutrition and lifestyle programme.
- Followed up with another 45 minute consultation 2-4 weeks later, and schedule in a 20 minute telephone catch up to suit you too.
Other programmes are available depending on your situation and needs.
If you would like to know more you can always get in touch for a chat or come and meet me on the 27th October at the Bourn Hall Wickford Fertility Fayre.
I am really looking forward to working with you to enhance your nutritional health and support you on your fertility journey.

Find out how can we help you
Book a consultation call with our team to find out how Bourn Hall can help you on your fertility journey
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