Throughout this year we have continued to offer a free consultation with a fertility nurse – such as Angela (right) from our Wickford clinic – to anyone needing specialist fertility advice and a friendly expert to talk with about improving their chances of conception.
There are only 12 chances to get pregnant each year, so getting good personalised advice is vital.
Specialist fertility advice and support
Our nurses offer tailored advice including ways to boost natural fertility, recommendations for tests – and an explanation of what the results would show – and relevant treatment options.
The advice given is appropriate to the individual or couple and their circumstances, and people don’t have to have been actively trying to get pregnant or need fertility treatment to have an initial consultation.
Fast-track fertility testing
After gaining NHS qualified status for secondary fertility services this Summer, we launched a brand new Fertility Diagnosis and Ovulation Induction treatment service – free to anyone referred by their GP.
The service offers a diagnosis in six weeks and, if ovulation induction is appropriate, the treatment can start immediately. The aim of the service is to get patients pregnant quicker without the need for IVF.