Sammy-Jo Pipe used Instagram to record her fertility journey and has kindly agreed to share it in a series of posts during Fertility Week 2018. This is the second instalment.
Hover over/click the images to read Sammy-Jo’s comments.
7 March 2017
Time to protect myself until I’m in a better place. No more Facebook or personal Instagram. Fed up of seeing things that are setting me back. All about moving forward and hanging out with my fellow IVFers. Fed up of hurting now. #onwardsandupwards #byebye #no #ivf #lookingforward #protectingme #enoughsenough #ttc #ttccommunity #pregnancyannouncements
21 April 2017
One year ago today we started our ivf journey. We had our first consultation at our local hospital with a fertility doctor. It took me seven long years to take the leap and accept it wasn’t going to happen naturally for us. Lost 60 pounds since. Blood tests, needles, hsg, internal ultrasounds, egg collection, transfer, a sore butt and so many tears but this past year has changed me as a person. I’ve pushed many people away and bought many closer. I’ve found so many friends creating this page. I’ll be forever grateful to the NHS for investing in us and our future. Today I’m feeling very lucky and looking forward to continuing on our path to happiness and our second try. #ttc #ttccommunity #ivf #ivftreatment #infertility #procedures #eggcollection #ttcsisters #makingababy #lucky #weightloss
17 May 2017
Well here we go again! Decided to transfer our one little frostie. This time our friends and family don’t know. They either didn’t really understand or not really there for us. Plus if it does work we would like to hold off having to tell everyone. It’s going to be a long few weeks. #fet #frozentransfer #frostie #ivf #ivfmedication #needles #injections #ivfjourney #ttc #ttccommunity
19 June 2017
I’m not gonna lie, yesterday I sensed a massive tonne of guilt. A tonne of guilt because yet another year I haven’t been able to make my husband a father. Sometimes I feel like a massive let down. I avoided any social media like the plague as it’s just to raw watching everyone enjoy the day. So hoping that all these feelings will soon be a distant memory.
23 June 2017
Last injection!!! I was a big girl and done them all myself this round. Feeling very proud, going from hating needles to injecting myself everyday for the last 5 weeks! Getting so close ?