Baby Isabella brings joy and comfort this Christmas

Zoe and Adam from Cambridgeshire are looking forward to enjoying their first Christmas with their rainbow baby after heart-breaking loss.

Last December, Zoe could hardly bear to look at the result of the pregnancy test but to her delight, just days before Christmas, it gave a positive result, news of her rainbow baby was the best present ever.

Although the couple’s first IVF treatment was successful, Zoe wouldn’t be able to relax until the baby was born. She had devastating lost her first baby, a boy, at 34 weeks following a natural conception.

“After losing our son, who we named Alfie, I had felt completely terrified at the thought of getting pregnant again. It was so scary; I wasn’t sure if I could go through it a second time,” she says.

Give yourself permission to grieve

This feeling is very understandable, says independent fertility counsellor Jackie Stewart “Losing a baby, at any stage of a pregnancy, can you more nervous about trying to get pregnant again.

“It is perfectly natural to feel anxious and sad whilst trying for a baby. Give yourself time to heal and permission to grieve for the sense of loss you are feeling.”

Zoe and Adam with Isabella their rainbow baby
Zoe and Adam with Isabella

Bourn Hall has created a dedicated Miscarriage Clinic to support those that have experienced early pregnancy loss after natural conception or fertility treatment. Find out more.

Found pregnant women triggering

Zoe remembers feeling very isolated. “Three of my friends were pregnant, and I remember feeling so left behind. I knew that was the life I wanted but it had been taken away from me and I found the sight of pregnant women triggering.

“But as time went on. I realised that my longing to have a child was greater than my fear of losing another pregnancy.

“Adam and I talked about it and knew we wanted to have a baby together and we decided after six months that the time was right to try again.”

The couple had been together since they were teenagers and had become pregnant the first time within a few months of trying, but this time it didn’t happen.

“I just knew in my head that something wasn’t right,” says Zoe. Fertility tests subsequently confirmed that underlying medical condition was making the couple’s chances of conceiving again naturally very slim – and they would need IVF.

“We were entitled to NHS-funded IVF and chose to go to Bourn Hall’s Cambridge clinic.”

Isabella's first Christmas
Isabella's first Christmas

Found Bourn Hall reassuring

The couple were entitled to NHS-funded IVF and chose to go to Bourn Hall’s Cambridge clinic.

Adam’s father had worked at the clinic a few years before maintaining the grounds and gardens and Zoe found the family connection reassuring.

At Bourn Hall, Zoe says that all the team were incredibly sensitive and mindful of what they had been through. “I felt as though a bit of control had been given back to me, it wasn’t a waiting game anymore.

“Everyone was amazing. I got very upset during my egg retrieval and started to cry, thinking about Alfie, and the nurse just stopped the procedure for a moment, held my hand and said some kind words.

“We had a lovely doctor too, Dr Mauro, she was really nice and reassuring.”

Zoe had five eggs retrieved which produced two embryos. “At first, I thought ‘this isn’t going to work’ but the two embryos were really good quality, so I thought ‘yeah I will go with quality over quantity,’” she smiles.

Two weeks after embryo transfer Zoe took a pregnancy test a day early and it was negative.

“The next day Adam said, ‘just do the test again even though you know the result’. So, I did and just left it in the bathroom, he encouraged me to check it. We both went in to look. It was positive result, I literally could not believe it. It was two days before Christmas, so an early Christmas present.

“I was really anxious for most of my pregnancy because of what happened before, 34 weeks felt like a psychological milestone, once I was past that I found the rest of the pregnancy a bit easier. I was very well looked after by the hospital and my consultant who was amazing.”

Rainbow baby brings hope before Christmas

The next day Adam said, ‘just do the test again even though you know the result’.

Zoe continues: “So, I did and just left it in the bathroom, he encouraged me to check it. We both went in to look. It was positive result, I literally could not believe it. It was two days before Christmas, so an early Christmas present.

“I was really anxious for most of my pregnancy because of what happened before, 34 weeks felt like a psychological milestone, once I was past that I found the rest of the pregnancy a bit easier. I was very well looked after by the hospital and my consultant who was amazing.”

Support from the midwife

“I was apprehensive, when I went into Hinchingbrooke Hospital, but our midwife was wonderful. She knew about our loss. She came into the room and said: ‘you are going to have a baby, it is going to be amazing. You are going to enjoy it.’

“When Isabella arrived, I think our overwhelming emotion was one of relief. It felt amazing. I looked at Adam and we both breathed a sigh of relief and I said, ‘we’ve made it.’

“Alfie will always be a part of our lives. We talk about him to Isabella already and we have just as many pictures of Alfie up in our house as we do of Isabella. He was the baby that made me a mum and taught me so much about myself. Such a loss shapes you as a person, but now I can remember him with love.

“This Christmas is going to be so special; we are really excited.”

Zoe and Adam with Isabella

More information

Bourn Hall offers support for people on their fertility journey, including counselling with an independent fertility counsellor and a free monthly Fertility Support Group. Find out more about Bourn Hall’s counselling and support here.

The chances of early pregnancy loss are much higher than widely thought, and even though it may never happen again, couples often want reasons for their loss. Our Miscarriage Clinic aims to provide some answers to their questions and recommendations where appropriate. Find out more about Bourn Hall’s Miscarriage Clinic.

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