The birth of the world’s first test-tube baby – Louise Brown – has been ranked alongside the moon landing as one of the most significant events for mankind in the 20th century.
Louise’s birth on 25th July 1978 was the catalyst for IVF (in vitro fertilisation) techniques that have revolutionised fertility treatment.
Now Louise has revealed the impact that being born a celebrity has had on her life and that of her family.
Her autobiography, ‘My life as the world’s first test-tube baby ’, tells of her life growing up in the media spotlight and of her lifelong connection with the IVF community.
“I don’t suppose there are many people that can say they were world famous within hours of being born – but my name made headlines in just about every country in the world.”
Louise’s autobiography, ‘My life as the world’s first test-tube baby‘, was launched on Friday 24th July 2015 at Bourn Hall Clinic, the world’s first IVF clinic established by the pioneers of IVF Steptoe and Edwards after the birth of Louise.
The book is available from booksellers and online at