One of the ways to find out is to take a look inside with a private hysteroscopy or uterus test, available at our IVF fertility clinic in Cambridge.
Normal structure and function of the uterus (womb) and its lining (endometrium) are essential for the success of natural and IVF assisted conception. A private hysteroscopy, also knows as a uterus test, is the detailed examination of the inside of your uterus to check the cavity and lining. Some uterine or endometrial abnormalities can contribute to the inability to accept an embryo or to miscarriage, and can be corrected.
It is a relatively simple procedure usually taking less than 30 minutes. In most cases, you have the examination without anaesthesia, although you may experience period-like pains.
You may need a hysteroscopy if:
- You have bleeding or spotting during your cycle, other than menstrual bleeding
- You have known endometrial abnormalities that have been noted on an ultrasound
- You have had a uterine intervention in the past, such as: termination of pregnancy; manual removal of the placenta; hysterotomy; or complicated caesarean section
- You have a history of recurrent miscarriage or failed implantation
Hysteroscopy is best done during the second half of your menstrual cycle, but can be performed at any time, as long as you are not having your period.
For further information, get in touch with us.