How can I contact Bourn Hall?

Our phone line 01954 717210 is open between 8am and 5pm Monday to Friday.

Current patient:

If you are an existing Bourn Hall patient, calling this number will enable you to select the clinic and the relevant team that you wish to speak to during the specific clinic’s opening hours.

You can also contact our clinic Nursing teams and our Patient Services team by email:

Cambridge nursing team: [email protected]

Norwich nursing team: [email protected]

Wickford nursing team: [email protected]

Patient Services team: [email protected],

Medical emergency out of hours, our on-call doctor can be contacted Monday to Saturday until 10pm on 01603 481 298

New patient:

If you are not a patient and would like to speak to us, our Enquiries team will be available to answer your call between 8am and 5pm Monday to Friday.

You can also contact us via email on [email protected], or via the contact form on our website.