“I don’t think you can quite put into words the amount of gratitude that I feel for my egg donor,” says Elle, whose baby is the first to be born since Bourn Hall’s dedicated donor team was set up earlier this year.
Choosing IVF with donor sperm created eight frozen embryos, each a ‘chance of a baby’. IUI offers only one for each vial.
“We both wanted to have treatment so that we could have the shared experience of carrying a baby and had no reason to suspect that one of us would have fertility issues.”
There is much more to consider than ‘finding’ a sperm donor if you are a lesbian couple wanting to start a family. Although its tempting to ask a friend, or to go online, there are many risks involved. So if you are looking to have a baby together, this webinar is the place to be.
After three failed attempts at ‘DIY’ insemination with sperm from the internet, regulated IUI treatment at Bourn Hall worked first time.
When Kerry and Stacy decided to start a family, they visited Bourn Hall to investigate fertility treatment using donor sperm – they are now mums to twins.
It is very important to have a screened sperm donor when starting a family. Elie and Sarah avoided risk by approaching Bourn Hall Clinic.