Bourn Hall Blog and News
With information and advice about IVF, fertility treatments, tests and more – we are here for you.
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First Christmas as a family, thank you Bourn Hall!
“We spent many Christmases saying to each other ‘maybe next year we will have another stocking to…
First Christmas as a family, thank you Bourn Hall!
“We spent many Christmases saying to each other ‘maybe next year we will have another stocking to…
Coping with Christmas: Make your own family traditions
A game plan can help you cope with family get-togethers
Coping with Christmas: Dealing with friends’ good news
Your work colleague might also have been trying for years to conceive.
Latest Articles
Coping with Christmas: Getting back your emotional strength
Recognising that feelings such as uncertainty, sadness and frustration are natural and infertility is a type of grief can give you back your strength.
Meeting Santa with IVF twins is ‘a dream come true’ for Essex couple
The festive period will always hold a very special place in Cara and Steve’s hearts after finding out on Christmas Eve six years ago that Cara was pregnant following successful IVF at Bourn Hall Clinic in Wickford.
Does your company have a Fertility Policy?
Your boss may be the last person you want to tell about your fertility problems…
Bedfordshire mum’s baby joy after ‘grief cycle’ of infertility
“It was like a grief cycle every month, it was so draining,” says Megan from…
Suffolk mum shares her story of joy following the ‘trauma of infertility’
“I still feel emotional when I think back to how sad I felt when we…
#FertilityInMind We are with you for the journey – Dr Thanos Papathanasiou to speak at FSG 6th November
#FertilityInMind is the theme for Fertility Week this year and it will start with the…
‘Doing our homework’ on employers’ fertility policies paid off
At first Helen’s employer had been resistant to her having paid time off for appointments but after a face-to-face meeting with her headteacher and HR representative they capitulated.
I took time off work for IVF after talking to my boss
Amber and Josh from Norfolk got together when they were 18 and started trying for…
Joy continues for Bourn Hall grandmother
“IVF means everything to me,” says Angela who was an early patient at Bourn Hall….
IVF ‘rainbow baby’ brought joy after heart-breaking loss
Zoe and Adam had devastatingly lost their first baby, a boy, at 34 weeks following…
Showing our support for the global ‘Wave of Light’
Baby Loss Awareness Week will culminate with the virtual ‘Wave of Light’ on 15 October…
Is there a ‘right’ time to get pregnant?
Dr Shreeya Tewary knows first-hand the real conflict that exists between the biological clock and the career clock, and will be speaking at the Rising Festival about common causes of infertility, how to know if you may need support to conceive, and steps you can take towards this.

Find out how can we help you
As one of the UK’s top fertility treatment centres, our values ensure we put our patients first.
Our excellence in fertility treatment
We provide world-class support throughout the fertility journey.
As one of the UK’s top fertility treatment centres, our values ensure we put our patients first.
Teamwork and Collaboration