Quality and Governance


The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) and The Care Quality Commission (CQC) regularly inspect our clinics to give independent assessments of our performance. The fact that these regulatory bodies continue to judge us a success reflects well upon our staff’s professionalism, expertise and commitment to the highest levels of care.

Each of our clinics has obtained BS EN ISO 9001:2015 certification, endorsing our dedication to quality patient care and continuous improvement.

The clinical laboratory at Bourn Hall Clinic Cambridge is accredited to ISO 17025:2017 (accreditation number 7774). The accreditation to this standard demonstrates our technical competence, excellent facilities and first class quality management system.

In 2020 Bourn Hall was awarded a Certificate of Assurance for compliance with the requirements of the Cyber Essentials Scheme.

Infection Prevention and Control

Bourn Hall adheres to the Health and Social Care Act 2008 Code of Practice for the prevention and control of infections. All staff, patients and visitors are expected to follow the prevailing infection control procedures at all our clinics. If you would like more information about this you can contact our Quality Assurance department by email at [email protected].

Safeguarding statement

As a provider of services and an employer, we are committed to the provision of a safe environment for our patients and our staff. We uphold our responsibilities for safeguarding vulnerable adults and children and to protect patients and staff from violence, aggression or abuse.

We support the government’s “zero tolerance” campaign in health care which states that health care staff have a right to care for others without fear of being attacked or abused.  All our staff aim to be polite, helpful and sensitive to your individual needs and circumstances and work in a spirit of mutual trust and respect together with all our patients.

We understand that undergoing fertility treatment can be an emotional and stressful experience however aggressive behaviour, be it violent or abusive, will not be tolerated and may result in you being asked to leave the clinic and suspension or cancellation of your treatment and, in extreme cases, the police being contacted.

The types of behaviour we consider unacceptable include swearing or verbal abuse, physical violence or threat of physical violence, racial abuse or sexual harassment, causing damage to facilities or equipment or persistent, unrealistic demands of staff causing them undue stress or distress.

Equal opportunities

Bourn Hall Clinic is committed to equality of opportunity, both in the provision of services to our patients and as an employer.

The company will also take every action possible to avoid discrimination on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation (protected characteristics).


Our duty of patient confidentiality means that it’s not possible for us to comment in public on individual cases.

We assure all of our patients that Bourn Hall – in common with all clinics regulated by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority – adheres to a strict code of conduct concerning patient care and consent. To avoid any ambiguity about the treatment on offer to you, we will guide you through the completion of the appropriate consent forms – all of which the HFEA has either issued or approved.

Bourn Hall endeavours to offer the best possible treatments, within a supportive and caring environment.

Patient safety

Bourn Hall supports the NHS Patient Safety Incident Response Framework. Patient safety incidents are any unintended or unexpected incident which could have, or did, lead to harm for one or more patient’s receiving healthcare under NHS funded treatment. Reporting supports Bourn Hall Clinic and the NHS to learn from mistakes and to take action to keep patients safe.

Your feedback

As part of our commitment to you, we welcome your honest feedback on every aspect of your experience with us. Listening to what you have to say can inspire our staff – and our patients – and helps us to improve our services and fulfil our goal of giving the best possible care.

Our quality assurance team will review your comments and respond to you. They will also present recommendations for change, as appropriate, to the senior management team. Please email your feedback to [email protected].

Your privacy is important to us

Bourn Hall Limited is a provider of fertility services and IVF treatment to patients from the NHS and privately. We recognise that when you visit our website and provide us with personal information, you trust that we will act responsibly and keep your information secure and confidential. This privacy notice outlines how Bourn Hall Limited will collect, store and use your personal data through your use of our website.

It is important that you read this notice, together with any other privacy notice or policy we may provide on specific occasions when we are collecting or processing personal information.

We are committed to safeguarding your personal information. Whenever you provide personal information to us, we are legally obliged to use it in accordance with all laws concerning the protection of personal information (we refer to these laws collectively in this privacy notice as the “data protection laws”).